Happy Vegan Thanksgiving Day in Italy!

We wish you a great Vegan Thanksgiving in Italy!

As an American living part of the year in Italy, it’s interesting to dig deep into the meaning of Thanksgiving Day, or better yet, ThanksLiving Day!!

This holiday is celebrated on the last Thursday of November, which falls on the 28th this year and commemorates the arrival of the first pilgrims from England on board of the Mayflower on September 1620. They were greeted by the Native Americans or more commonly called Indians. One of the first tribes to come in contact with the Europeans were the Abenaki and the Wampanoag Indians.

These English pilgrims thanked the Natives for giving them food and hospitality after a long trip crossing the Atlantic Ocean in search of religious freedom.

There are many theories on why Americans eat turkey on this particular day. One is that a Spanish ship on his way to attack England sank and Queen Elizabeth given the news while at dinner, ordered another goose to celebrate the event. Some believe the settlers decided to roast a turkey instead of a goose, recalling the Queen’s celebration.

We don’t know which kind of meal was served on that day, but a letter written by pilgrim Edward Winslow talks of a turkey hunting trip before the meal.

We decide to celebrate the Veg way, to promote a world of harmony and healthy lifestyle, that’s why here at VegItalyGuide we like to call it

ThanksLiving Day!

Mangia Veg!!


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