Butternut Squash Puree

Ciao a tutti! Today we made a quick, delicious recipe! It is very easy and really tasty to eat!
Its just a simple butternut squash puree recipe, made with coconut milk. Here are the details:


1 medium butternut squash, or 1/2 of a large one
4-5 ounces of coconut milk (depending how thick you want it)
fresh grated ginger

First, you have to cut the squash. Then take out the seeds, if there are any. Cut it into 4 pieces and put it into an oven dish. Add a little water to the bottom and cover with aluminum foil (it cooks a bit faster and stays soft).

After its cooked, take it out of the oven and scrape the pulpy part away from the skin. Put into a pan, added with coconut milk, nutmeg, cinnamon, and fresh grated ginger. Stir until its the consistency you like, then serve and eat!! Buon appetito!!

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