Pasta with sundried tomatoes and black olives

Ciao a tutti!!

Today we made a very easy pasta salad for the Vegan Potluck in Milwaukee, WI! Its super easy and can be eaten cold or hot!
The secret is keeping the pasta “al dente” and fresh basil.

For the “al dente”, literally means by the tooth, so cannot be translated into English. It just means it should be not overcooked, but not undercooked. It helps if the pasta is good brand. Some brands cook faster which makes the pasta too gummy. We usually recommend a brand that has a cooking time of 8-11 minutes. The pasta should be semi-hard, but not crunchy. Add some salt to the water to give it some taste.

When cooked, drain the pasta and put into a glass bowl. Add the sundried tomato, black olives, fresh basil, olive oil, salt and pepper. The sundried tomato and black olives we found at Glorioso’s Italian Market in Milwaukee!

Mix it together and that’s it!! Buon appetito!


1 box of pasta (1 pound)
sundried tomatoes (dried, not in oil but tomatoes in oil will work too)
black olives
fresh basil leaves
olive oil
black pepper

*Portion for 4-6 people


Mangia Veg!!


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