Butternut Squash – Zucca asiatica?

Ciao a tutti!! Today we have a few questions about the butternut squash. The last recipe I made with the butternut squash worked out great for our North/South American continent viewers, but in Italy it’s really tough to find. Not all supermarkets carry it and it’s not readily available in Italy like it is on […]

Butternut Squash Puree

Ciao a tutti! Today we made a quick, delicious recipe! It is very easy and really tasty to eat! Its just a simple butternut squash puree recipe, made with coconut milk. Here are the details: Ingredients: 1 medium butternut squash, or 1/2 of a large one 4-5 ounces of coconut milk (depending how thick you […]

Pasta with sundried tomatoes and black olives

Ciao a tutti!! Today we made a very easy pasta salad for the Vegan Potluck in Milwaukee, WI! Its super easy and can be eaten cold or hot! The secret is keeping the pasta “al dente” and fresh basil. For the “al dente”, literally means by the tooth, so cannot be translated into English. It […]


In Italy, everyone heads out in the morning to buy fresh bread. You will see the signs for Panetteria. Bread is made early in the morning and the panetteria usually open around 7AM. The typical bread is made with yeast, flour, water and salt and there will be different varieties such as integrale (wheat), bianco […]

Apple Fritters

Featured Italian-Vegan Recipe!!! Desserts for Carneval: Frittelle di mele con pasta madre (fried sweet apple fritters) VEGAN Fried sweet apple fritters are a typical sweet dessert made for Carneval and are most popular in the regions of Lombardy and Trentino. There are several different types and the tricks to making the perfect ones for Carneval […]